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James McPartland

Access Point: What Are You Thinking About?

"We would all do well to take time to think about what we have been thinking about."

— James McPartland

Access Point:  What Are You Thinking About? | James McPartland Blog

Our life doesn't lie. The lives we live reflect the thoughts we have been thinking and acting upon. Most of our thoughts are old circuits in our brains that have been hardwired through repetition. And almost all of what we demonstrate through our actions start with one of these repetitive thoughts.

A single thought.

But just because we have a thought, it doesn’t mean that it’s true.

Most of our thoughts are echoes of the past, connected to strong feelings that activate old patterns in our brain and cause us to behave in predictable ways. In order to achieve all that we are capable of, we must be deliberate in thinking about what we have been thinking about.

From time to time it is wise to stop and ask ourselves:

“Is this thought true? If I act on this impulse, will it lead me to the results I want in my life?”

Practice this, and you will likely come to discover that your thoughts are triggered when you feel a certain way. Taking the time to do the work of getting to the root of the matter empowers us to choose our beliefs, and behave our way into the life we want to live.

So what are you thinking about today, friend? Are your thoughts leading you closer or farther away, from the life you want to live? It’s something to think about :)


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