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Are you stuck in “DO NOT DISTURB” mode?

James McPartland

"Don't silence the call of your true purpose—listen, take action, and grab hold of the journey you were meant to take."— James McPartland

Access Point: Courageous Conversations | Blog post by James McPartland | Speaker, Author, Executive Coach

It’s easy to hit the “silence” button on our dreams, to scroll past the whispers of our soul in favor of the urgent demands buzzing on our screens.

But what if silencing that call is actually silencing our truest selves? What if our life’s assignment is calling? Are we stuck in “DO NOT DISTURB” mode?

Our purpose and unique calling are the very reasons we were brought into this world. It’s not about achieving some grand, predefined notion of success, but about stepping into the unique expression of who we are—something only we can offer.

It starts as an intuitive nudge, a faint whisper you can’t quite ignore. You know you want it because it’s the thing you can’t stop thinking about. It’s that tug on your heart you feel when you're doing your version of whatever "it" is.

Maybe it’s a passion project you’ve relegated to the back burner, a career change that feels equal parts exhilarating and terrifying, or a deep knowing that you’re meant for something more. It scares you, this call, because deep down, you know you have to find the courage to bring it to life. It’s the truth inside your very being, the quiet yet powerful voice of your heart that knows what you’re capable of, even before your mind can catch up.

But as you read these words, you know you haven’t answered the call.

“I’m too busy,” you tell yourself. “I’ll start tomorrow.” The demands of daily life, the weight of responsibility—they all seem to conspire to keep us small, safe, and stuck. But really, we’re just afraid.

Afraid to fail. Afraid to be rejected. Afraid to face what others might think if you dare to do something that doesn’t make sense to them. You tell yourself you’re doing okay, that life isn’t so bad. You have responsibilities, bills to pay, and risks to avoid. And so, the call gets drowned out by the noise of imposter syndrome, the daily grind, and the fear that you’re not qualified or worthy enough to even try.

But what if you started small and just acknowledged that there is, in fact, a call? What if you began by tracking how often you hear that call throughout each day? What if you dared to believe that your dreams are not frivolous distractions, but rather the universe’s way of guiding you toward your highest potential?

Take yourself off “DO NOT DISTURB” mode. Start paying attention to how often you hear the call. What lights you up and makes you feel alive? What activities make you lose track of time?

Write down what you hear when you answer. Let putting pen to paper be your first step—a tangible declaration that you’re ready to listen, to explore, and to step into the unknown.

Ask yourself the tough questions:

Why am I avoiding this?

Who am I letting down by not answering this call?

What’s the best and worst that could happen?

At the end of my life, will I regret answering this call or not answering it?

What will I wish I had the courage to do when it’s all said and done?

New questions lead to new behaviors. The life you live becomes the lesson you teach, whether or not you use words. And the call cannot be answered without consistent effort. So take action, and you’ll become what you repeatedly do. Don’t let the fear of discomfort silence the call that could make your life extraordinary.

Try that. Remember, you don’t need permission to answer this call—let your intuition guide you.

Mac 😎


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