"The simplest yet most difficult way to change who you are becoming is to change what you do on a consistent and daily basis"-James McPartland
At some point in the journey of becoming the best version of YOU, when you go to implement change -- you'll have to take a look at your HABITS.
And for you perfectionists out there, know this:
When it comes to developing a new habit, getting started is always more important than getting it right.
The process of creating new behaviors hinges on initiation. Whenever I needed to implement change, I had to become willing to take that first step even when I knew it was likely going to be an imperfect one. Initiation has always been the catalyst for my improvement.
The next step? Stack your wins.
By stacking the small wins you provide yourself with evidence of progress, validating the journey towards becoming your ideal self. It's these incremental victories that will serve as the building blocks for your sustainable growth.
The simplest yet most difficult way to change who you are becoming is to change what you do on a consistent and daily basis: Your habits.
So for example, if you've got a habit of procrastinating, develop a habit of envisioning. Where are you wanting to go and WHY? Oftentimes, procrastination is not a lack of motivation, but a lack of an inspiring and clear vision of the future.
If you've got a habit of getting distracted, develop a habit of time-blocking. Limit distractions by operating in reduced-option timeframes. Pick your top 3 priorities for the day and tackle those first.
When you stack the bricks in your favor, your consistent follow-through will inevitably have you mastering the mundane and knocking your goals out of the park.
Try that and tune in next week on this No Straight Lines series for more...
Mac 😎