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James McPartland

How Leaders Need to Listen

"When we stop listening, we stop learning."— James McPartland

Access Point: Courageous Conversations | Blog post by James McPartland | Speaker, Author, Executive Coach

The time for how to build a successful company being all about investing in only those at the top is over. The new way is all about growing your people. It's about collaboration, team synergy, and a "we're-in-this-together" approach.

Why am I telling you this? Here's why:

How often are you dealing with board members, fellow executives, and direct reports -- having full-on conversations with yourself while one of them is talking to you—and call it "listening"?

I've been guilty of this more times than I care to admit. And I know firsthand the barriers this creates in your ability to communicate and connect with those you lead.

Research shows that feeling heard and understood is so close to the feeling of being loved and valued that the two emotions are almost indistinguishable. When we make the effort to truly listen to the people that make up our organization, we show them that we value, trust, and respect them-- and this is crucial when building a strong organizational culture.

"Paying" attention to those we lead and serve is a payment we make each day on the investment of our most precious and non-renewable resource: our time. Our life is the cumulative accounting for the attention payments we have made, yielding incredible returns on our relationships, productivity, and innovation.

Every interaction, decision, and moment we choose to invest our attention in something meaningful contributes to the overall success and fulfillment of our personal and professional lives.

When we stop listening, we stop learning. Listen to your key stakeholders. Listen to your team. Invest the best of your energy into them, and they will give you the best of theirs.

Try that, and be sure to follow me for more on this No Straight Lines series

Mac 😎


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