"By uncovering our highest values, we can gain a better understanding of how we manage our time and focus more on the things that truly matter to us."— James McPartland

Do you know what is non-negotiable for you? What are the core tenets that guide your life and shape your commitments, even on your toughest days?
If you’re unsure, let’s shift gears with a different question:
What do you want from life? And, what do you think life wants from you?
Figuring out what you’re passionate about—what you feel called to pursue—can really help you identify the beliefs and actions you need to take to reach your biggest goals.
Once you nail that down, your non-negotiables will start to come into focus.
If you’re still scratching your head about what you want to be when you grow up, don’t sweat it! You’re definitely not alone.
Here’s a friendly starting point: Identify your highest values.
Ask yourself these questions-
👉 What makes you tick? What are you passionate about and love to do?
👉 What activities motivate you? Putting time into our core values makes us feel energized.
👉 What brings you stress? Where conflict or arguments reside, it can indicate that we feel one of our core values is being violated.
Understanding your highest values will help you see your non-negotiables more clearly.
So take a moment to reflect on this! When you know what’s non-negotiable for you, a lot of decisions become much easier. You won’t have to exhaust yourself negotiating every little situation; you’ll know exactly what to say yes to and what to let go of.
Give it a try, and stick around for more tips on discovering your non-negotiables in this "No Straight Lines" series!
Mac 😎