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  • James McPartland

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"As leaders, we must be resolute in our willingness to take responsibility at every turn. There's no one else to blame when you're at the top." -James McPartland

Access Point: Courageous Conversations | Blog post by James McPartland | Speaker, Author, Executive Coach

I'd bet money 💰 that at least in one season of every man or woman's life-- we've all shied away from responsibility.

"Who wants to take responsibility for this mess?" NO! 😆 Everyone scatters.

And yet so many of us want to lead. 😏

Whether it's to climb that corporate ladder to the next coveted executive position, become founder and CEO, or even start a new business, with big time leadership comes big time responsibility. Remember, there's no one else to blame when you're the one at the top.

Progress doesn't happen in a straight line -- and while we're on the journey, one thing we must be resolute about is our willingness to take responsibility at every turn-- whether we are the cause of what went up or down or not.

How will we choose to execute our ability to respond? What will we do?

👉 "My direct reports aren't performing," many say... "They don't rise to the occasion!"

Really stop and ask yourself: Did you give them an occasion?

👉 My team isn't performing. They bring me problems, never a proactive solution!"

Have you communicated your expectation that they do so?

"👉 My sales and marketing teams can't get aligned- why can't they just work well together?!"

Have you invested adequate time into the relationships with your team leaders to ensure they are well equipped with your clear vision? 👓

There's 💯 always an action we can take as leaders to be responsible to a problem. Do or don't. There's no trying. Take responsibility. Just do it. ✔️

Til next time, there are no straight lines friends. So enjoy the bumpy ride 🎢 of life's journey.

Mac 😎

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