"I don't talk about goals without building in the importance of accountability." -James McPartland

If you've got a goal to get in shape, make more money, or spend quality time with family, those are pretty easy goals to track.
But sometimes goals are more inward-focused: like becoming a better communicator or learning to say "no" more often. These are more difficult goals to track, so you have to get clear on what progress looks like for you.
That's where ACCOUNTABILITY comes in.
As a performance coach -- I don't talk about GOALS without building on the importance of ACCOUNTABILITY. Because I practice what I preach -- and I don't reach my own goals without having accountability.
So here are 4 simple steps on how to put accountability in place as you work to get after your goals:
1. Start with clearly defining your goal.
Be clear on what, how, and by when.
2. Identify your WHY.
Why is this important to you? How will achieving this goal make an impact on you, and maybe even the person you are asking to help hold you accountable?
3. Set up a weekly score.
Have your accountability partner check in with you regularly-- it can be weekly or monthly-- whatever works best. Have them ask you how you did on a scale of 1-10, and then ask them how you think you can improve that score by 2 points by the next check-in.
4. Decide your rewards and your consequences.
Decide in advance what the reward to yourself will be for meeting your commitment, and/or what the consequence will be if you do not.
Being accountable as you go after your goals is key to taking your performance to the next level. In the process, you will not only experience personal growth but growth in your relationships too.
Try that and follow me for more on this No Straight Lines series
Mac 😎